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Tranny Hair Removal

Hair removal can be something that people who are trans are self-conscious about. Some are more self-conscious about hair than others, and over time people learn a plethora of different strategies they can use if they want to have less hair on their bodies or feel like they have less hair. It’s not just legs that many trans people see. Some shave all over, looking for full-body smoothness. How you relate with your gender or with your cross-dressing is up to you. Options that are out there include covering up hairy body parts, bleaching, buzzing, waxing, epilation, and laser treatment. These things are explored here, giving you the information needed to make the best choice for you.
To Shave Or Not
If you are looking to wear makeup, you will need to have a good close shave on your face. Most people are familiar with hair removal on their face, and for many, it is the other parts of the body that people are more interested in learning about. If you want to go for the most feminine effect, shaving all of your body hair can be the best route. Removing the hair from all over your body does have other consequences. If, for example, you are not ready for your friends or family to know that you are moving towards being trans, they may notice your smooth legs if you shave them. Going from a hairy chest to smooth is also very noticeable for the people who know you. Since there is no way to disguise hair removal, having the confidence to deal with any questions can be the best way to go.
Answering Questions
Some of the answers that people give include talking about swimming. Many serious and professional swimmers shave the majority of their body, as they like the feeling in the water, and it makes them more streamlined. Some cyclists also do this. Another option is mentioning that the doctor told you to try it due to skin health is another route to go. If you have discussed it with your partner, you can also let other people know that your partner prefers men who are not hairy. Pointing out other people who also do it, such as David Beckham, would be another good route to go. Going the general mental health route is also common, with some people talking about advanced yoga training and other strategies.
Which Hair Removal Strategy To Use
Most people use one of three strategies: shaving, epilation, or waxing. Shaving your whole body, including your legs, will likely use up two razors. It is essential to switch razors out as they become more blunt to avoid cutting yourself. If you are shaving for the first time, it is recommended to do one small piece of your body at a time and avoid letting the razor clog up.
Shaven legs will stay smooth for several days before they become too grisly and rough for comfort. Waxing is another strategy, and it is best done by a professional. Many hairdressing salons, as well as beauty salons, will have a waxing room. People who get waxed will have a longer time with smooth skin. Over time, the amount of time needed in between waxing increases.
Epilation is another strategy people use. These devices pull out hairs as you rub the device up and down your body. It can be painful, though you can also multitask and watch TV while you are doing it. The results of epilation are much like waxing, though the pain from doing it is spread out over a longer period than waxing, which can be more pleasant to some. Epilation is also cheaper than waxing.
A Note On Laser Treatment
Laser treatment is another option. These treatments use powerful lasers to kill the follicles where the hair grows from. A set of treatments will be needed so that hair does not grow back anymore. Laser treatment is not cheap, and people have varying degrees of success when using them. If you are considering laser treatment, note that it is easy to tell that the laser treatment has been done as it takes a few days for a person’s skin to return to normal after. The idea that you might not ever have to shave again can be massively appealing, and for people who are more serious about being trans and have the means, laser hair removal can be a fantastic option. Some people also believe that it will help them save money over time, as they will not have to buy any shaving materials again, nor will they have to get waxed. That said, some people do find that their hair starts growing back again after a year or two. Due to the mixed results, some people rave about laser hair removal, and others are less excited about it.
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